Baadur Jobava some chess information

Baadur Jobava is from Gali (Georgia), he was born on 26 November 1983.
Jobava is one of the leading Georgian Grand Masters. He first participated in the serious tournament in 2000. He got the rating of 2430, playing with the players whose ratings started from 2550, and then appeared again on the international arena in 2003 and won the difficult open tournament in Dubai.
In 2003, he won a brilliant victory over a well-known GM Bareev. The game was 34 moves long. This was not the occasional victory, as in 2004 he used this practice again and beat Grischuk! When playing with Grischuk, Baadur thought a lot over each move, but, at the end, Grischuk run out of time and lost.
Baadur Jobava had not been playing till 2005 and his rating decreased. However, he came back and won the Danish Cup. We have reported the last Baadur's achievement - the victory on the Fast Chess Europe Championship.
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