Understanding Chess Tactics - download chess book
When my friend and former pupil Martin asked me to write a foreword to his book, I did not expect that I would learn so much from reading this work, but that is what happened. The first reason is that, in addition to some classic examples, he has found tactical examples that I did not know, thus avoiding one problem of many combination books. The second reason is rather different. I start working with pupils when they have already reached a high level, which means I can find a style for my pupil according to his or her natural talent and then p;iss on the required technical knowledge. However, 1 rarely work on combinations. In contrast, Martin learned chess quite late and worked hard at it, which gives him great insight into the difficulties of improving, in the same way that adults who become fluent in a foreign language see it differently from native speakers.
Working through this book will help the reader to understand combinations and tactical play much better. Martin's advice is very useful. His carefully selected examples are not only instructive but very entertaining as well: many of them make a great artistic impression.
I am sure that studying this book will not only bring great joy, but also improve your chess considerably.
Tib or Karolyi
Author: Martin Weteschnik
Title: "Understanding Chess Tactics"
Released: 2006
Format: djvu
Quality: good
Number of pages: 235
Size: 5 Mb
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