The Chigorin Defence According to Morozevich - download book

In September 1992 I was studying Chigorin's play, and I liked in particular those games in which Mikhail Ivanovich employed his patent defence 1.d4 d5 2.c4 Nc6!?, endeavouring from the very first moves to initiate active piece play in the centre.

After this I looked in the Malaya Debyutnaya Entsiklopedia (MDE - Small Openings Encyclopaedia), to learn the opinion of this fundamental work on this half-forgotten opening. The MDE was very critical about the move 2...Nc6: the expert theoreticians stated that blocking the c7-pawn with the knight was bad, and that the pawn should either go to c6, to support the d5-pawn, or attack the opponent's centre by ...c7-c5. But it seemed to me that Black's striving for active piece play also 'had the right to exist'.
In September and October of that year I did not have any particular tournaments, and I began studying this opening seriously: initially on my own, and then I was quite quickly joined by my friends - Vladimir Barsky, Sergey Zhurov and Maria Manakova. Several times with Volodya and Masha I travelled to Sergey's native town of Elektrostal outside Moscow, specially in order to study the Chigorin Defence in the quiet atmosphere of the local chess club.
Summarizing the above, I can say: my attention was drawn to the Chigorin Defence. I began seriously analysing it because I liked the games that Mikhail Ivanovich had played with this opening, and I was staggered by the state of theory at that time.
Author: Alexander Morozevich
Title: "The Chigorin Defence According to Morozevich"
Released: 2007
Format: rar/pdf
Quality: good
Number of pages: 238
Size: 16 Mb
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